Marruecos,1988. 15 días de intensos viajes atravesando el país de norte a sur. País de grandes carencias en aspectos sociales y organizativos, sin embargo posee paisajes grandiosos, desde el norte, similar a Andalucía, al centro donde se sitúa el Atlas, con montañas mayores de 4000 m y donde nieva con frecuencia y con extensos bosques de cedros. La cara sur de esta cordillera da al desierto de piedra, donde después de cientos de km. encontramos el gran Erg, el desierto de arena en Merzhouga. Tinerghir o Ouarzazate son sólo hitos en la ruta de las kasbahs, lugares remotos, donde habitan los hombres azules, tuaregs pobres, pero cuya hospitalidad es ley.En el Norte, Volubilis, las más importantes ruinas romanas del país; Xauen, pueblo blanco y azul que dio acogida a los moriscos andalusíes tras su expulsión de España. Fez es la esencia de una ciudad medieval, puedes verlo adentrándote en su ciudadela, sus olores intensos,sus burros transportando por calles estrechas todo tipo de artículos y que pasan casi rozándote, te has de pegar rápidamente a la pared si no quieres ser atropellado. Y procura salir con un guia de confianza antes de la puesta de Sol, hay 300 km. de callejones, muchos, sin salida.
Morocco, 1988. 15 days of hectic travel across the country from north to south. Country with serious deficiencies in social and organizational aspects, however has great landscapes, from the north, similar to Andalusia, the center where Atlas stands with mountains over 4,000 m, where it snows frequently and with extensive forests of cedars. The south side of this ridge overlooks the stony desert, where, after hundreds of km. we find the great Erg, the desert sand in Merzhouga. Ouarzazate or Tinerghir are just milestones on the path of kasbahs, remote places, where live the “blue men”, poor tuaregs,but whose hospitality is the law.In the North, Volubilis, the most important Roman ruins in the country; Xauen, white and blue village that hosted the Andalusian Moors after their expulsion from Spain. Fez is the essence of a medieval city, you can see just starting in its citadel, its strong odors, its narrow streets, donkeys carrying all sorts of articles as they pass through almost grazing you, so you have to hit the wall quickly if you don´t want to be knocked down. And try to go out with a trusted guide prior to sunset, there are 300 km. of alleyways, in many of them, there isn´t any way out.
Morocco, 1988. 15 days of hectic travel across the country from north to south. Country with serious deficiencies in social and organizational aspects, however has great landscapes, from the north, similar to Andalusia, the center where Atlas stands with mountains over 4,000 m, where it snows frequently and with extensive forests of cedars. The south side of this ridge overlooks the stony desert, where, after hundreds of km. we find the great Erg, the desert sand in Merzhouga. Ouarzazate or Tinerghir are just milestones on the path of kasbahs, remote places, where live the “blue men”, poor tuaregs,but whose hospitality is the law.In the North, Volubilis, the most important Roman ruins in the country; Xauen, white and blue village that hosted the Andalusian Moors after their expulsion from Spain. Fez is the essence of a medieval city, you can see just starting in its citadel, its strong odors, its narrow streets, donkeys carrying all sorts of articles as they pass through almost grazing you, so you have to hit the wall quickly if you don´t want to be knocked down. And try to go out with a trusted guide prior to sunset, there are 300 km. of alleyways, in many of them, there isn´t any way out.
5 comentarios:
Pedro, estás hecho un trotamundos.
Qué envidia conocer en vivo tanto lugar hermoso.
Gracias por compartirlos
Marruecos, pais de contrastes en todo, en lo cultural, en lo paisajístico, en lo religioso, en lo económino, etc.
Un saludo.
Bien elegidas estas fotos para mostrarnos esa cultura y esos paisajes. Me gusta mucho la explicación introductoria que nos das. Tú siempre enseñando tito, gracias por compartirlo. Un abrazo
Pedro, intento llegar al principio de tu blog pero no tienes archivo de entradas y no sé ( sí soy una inútil) quiero ver esas fotos de la luna, mandame si puedes el enlace directoUn besote y gracias.
Beautiful journey, Pedro, thank you for your photographs! All the best from Poland!
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